Friday, March 29, 2024



The following twenty articles consider the process of salvation for every individual. The name of every person has been entered into the book of life at birth. When a person sins that person's name is deleted from this book. However, the good news is that if a person acknowledges Lord Jesus Christ died so that his or her name is included in the Lamb's Book of Life (Revelation 13:8), then the right to eternal life that was lost, as a result of violating the law of faith by transgressing the law of righteousness, can be regained.

Apart from The Road To Eternity Begins Here For Those Who Are Humble Of Heart and an examination of the doctrine of being created for eternal punishment in the second article, the following eighteen articles deal with a particular facet of the salvation process, beginning with being born into the depravity of this world and finishing with a look at the eternal state that awaits each one. 

  1. Depravity
  2. Imputation
  3. Grace
  4. Propitiation
  5. Atonement
  6. Reconciliation
  7. Calling
  8. Regeneration
  9. Union with Christ
  10. Repentance
  11. Faith
  12. Justification
  13. Adoption
  14. Sanctification
  15. Eternal security
  16. Election/Predestination
  17. Redemption
  18. Eternal State

The Road To Eternity Begins Here For Those Who Are Humble Of Heart.

You have entered into a place where you will learn the process of salvation: how people can go from the realm of darkness and enter the realm of light, leave the kingdom of Satan and enter the kingdom of God, leave a living hell of emptiness within and receive the joy of entering the kingdom of eternal life.

Each article will discuss each stage of the process, beginning with the original state into which we are all born. There will be a series of different presentations of this process. 

If you have received Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and genuinely acknowledge Jesus as Lord, having confessed Him to be so before others, then you can be rest assured that you should have the Joy of Salvation and know the Peace of God that passes all understanding, because now the righteousness of God Himself has been imparted to you. The guarantee of this is evidenced by the seal of the Holy Spirit, and of this you yourself know.  

Know this, the reason you desire to know the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is very important, because if you do not demonstrate authenticity in your request, unlike human beings, God sees everything, even what you are thinking. 

Unlike you or I, God is infinite and there is no one or no thing that is greater than Him. 

If you understand what infinity means, then you will not ask ignorant questions like can God create something that He cannot lift or think of something that He hasn't thought of yet. The ignorati are many. 

The illuminati are ignorant. The intelligentsia, whom the illuminati control, even though the majority of them are ignorant of this fact, are numbered among the ignorati. 

Anyone who understands what infinity means, understands that in God the Universe exists, but the Creator may not live within them, even though each person's deeds and thoughts are kept on record. 

The first topic that we will look at whether the Bible says man is born depraved. I am sure you will find this interesting. Because the depraved have no place in the Kingdom of God, for they cannot stand the Light, unless they desire to change.

Peace.  May your blessing be God's blessing.

MEN ARE NOT BORN SINNERS, YET CALVINISTS ARGUE THAT THEY ARE AND GOD CREATED THEM SO. The Argument That All Children Are Born Destined To Hell, Even Though They Have Not Committed An Act Of Evil, Has To Originate From The Evil One Himself. The truth is that a loving God would never send a person to Eternal Punishment unless it was just.

Are Men Born Sinners?

 My friend and I stood looking down at his tiny newborn baby, lying contentedly in his crib.

"Of course," said my friend, "our little Tommy is a sinner."

These words were a continuation of the doctrine my friend had taught earlier in his Sunday school class: a doctrine that is accepted as orthodoxy almost universally in our churches, the doctrine that all of humanity sinned in Adam when he ate the forbidden fruit, that Adam's sin, its guilt, and its curse were imputed to all his descendants, and that all of his descendants are now born with an Adamic sin nature which makes sin unavoidable and makes us "by nature the children of wrath."

What makes this incredible doctrine believable is the fact that there are verses in the Bible which seem to teach it. Psalm 51:5 comes immediately to the mind of the Christian who has been taught to believe in the doctrine of original sin: "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me." This settles it for the Christian. If the Bible says we were "shapen in iniquity" and "conceived in sin," then it has to be so.

And the above text would teach that men are born sinners if it were meant to be taken literally. But the language of this text is not literal, it is figurative. Both context and reality demand a figurative interpretation of this text.

For example, let's compare Psalm 51:5 with Job 1:21, which says: "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither." If Psalm 51:5 can be interpreted literally to teach the doctrine that David and all other men are born sinners, then Job 1:21 can be interpreted literally to teach the doctrine that Job and all other men will some day go back into their mother's womb.

Neither Psalm 51:5 nor Job 1:21 is to be understood literally. They are both figurative expressions. Both context and our knowledge of reality demand a figurative interpretation of these two texts.

David uses figurative language throughout his Psalms. In fact, in the 51st Psalm, verses five, seven, and eight are all figurative expressions. So if verse five can be made to teach that men are born sinners, then verse seven can be made to teach that hyssop cleanses us from sin when it says, "Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean." Also, verse eight can be made to teach the doctrine that God breaks the Christian's bones when he sins, and that his broken bones rejoice when he is forgiven "Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice." Another of David's Psalms, Psalm 58:3, can be made to teach the astonishing doctrine that babies speak from the very moment they are born: "The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies."

But who would seriously teach from this last text that babies actually do speak as soon as they are born? None of these passages is meant to be understood in a literal sense. They are all figurative expressions. If they were understood literally, they would all teach what we know to be contrary to reality; for reality teaches us that bones don't rejoice, hyssop doesn't purge sin, babies don't speak as soon as they leave the womb, and an unborn child is not morally depraved.

The same rules of interpretation that would permit Psalm 51:5 to teach that babies are born sinners, would, if applied to these passages (or if applied to many other passages in the Bible), allow for every kind of perversion and wild interpretation of God's Word. Look again at the words of Job 1:21: "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither." Did Job, by these words, mean to teach that he and all other men would some day go back into their mother's womb? We know that such a meaning is absurd. But it is just as reasonable to give to Job 1:21 the nonsensical meaning that Job and all other men will some day go back into their mother's womb, as it is to give to Psalm 51:5 the nonsensical meaning that David and all other men are born sinners. David was not teaching in this passage that he was born a sinner. He instead was confessing to God the awful guilt and sinfulness of his heart, and he cried out to God in strong language the language of figure and symbol to express that awful guilt and sinfulness.

But if David intended to affirm that he was literally "shapen in iniquity and conceived in sin," then he affirmed absolute nonsense, and he charged his Creator with making him a sinner; for David knew that God was his Maker:

Thy hands have made me and fashioned me. Psalm 119:73

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body, and knit them together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13 (Living Bible)

Know ye that the Lord he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves. Psalm 100:3

Are we to understand from these passages that God fashions men into sinners in their mother's womb? No, we know that God does not create sinners. Yet, upon the supposition that Psalm 51:5 teaches that men are born sinners, these texts could teach nothing else. Who cannot see that the doctrine that men are born sinners charges God with creating sinners? It represents man as being formed a sinner in his mother's womb, when the Bible clearly teaches that God forms man in his mother's womb. It represents man as coming into this world a sinner, when the Bible clearly teaches that God creates all men. It may be objected that God created only Adam and Eve, and that the rest of mankind descended from them by natural generation. But this objection does not relieve the doctrine of an inherited sin nature of its slander and libel of the character of God. For if man has a sinful nature at birth, who is it who established the laws of procreation under which he would be born with that nature? God, of course. There is no escaping the logical inference that is implicit in the doctrine of an inherited sin nature. It is a blasphemous and slanderous libel on the character of God.

But one might as well reject the Bible out of hand, if he does not want to recognize that God is the Creator of all men. For the fact that God is the Creator of all men is one of the clearest truths taught in the Bible.

Thy hands have made me and fashioned me. Psalm 119:73

Thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee: for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:13, 14

Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb? Job 31:15

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee. Jer. 1:5

Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us? Mal. 2:10

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. Eccl. 12:1

Know ye that the Lord he is God; it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves. Psalm 100:3

I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth...for it repenteth me that I have made them. Gen. 6:7

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...So God created man in his image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen. 1:26,27

Ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most High. Psalm 82:6

For in the image of God made he man. Gen. 9:6

Man is the image and glory of God. I Cor. 11:7

Men are made after the similitude of God. James 3:9

The Lord formeth the spirit of man within him. Zech. 12:1

The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4

He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things. Acts 17:25

We are the offspring of God. Acts 17:29

I am the root and the offspring of David. Rev. 22:16

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. Eccl. 7:29

This last text not only declares that God has created man, but it also affirms that God created man upright. If man is created upright, he cannot be born a sinner; and if he is born a sinner, he cannot be created upright. Either one or the other may be true, but they cannot both be true for the two are contradictories.

But when God says he "created us in his image, and gave us life and breath and all things," are we to understand that he created us as sinners? When he says, "We are his offspring," are we to understand that his offspring are born sinners? When Jesus said, "I am the root and the offspring of David," are we to understand that David sprang forth from the root Christ Jesus with a sinful nature? Or, are we to understand that Jesus, as the offspring of David, was born with a sinful nature? The very fact that Jesus was a man, descended from Adam, and born with a human nature as we are, shows that men are not born with a sinful nature. I John 4:3, II John 7, Heb. 2:14, Heb. 2:16-18, Heb. 4:15, Rom. 1:3, Matt. 1:1, Luke 3:38.

The doctrine of original sin is false: it slanders and libels the character of God, it shocks man's god-given consciousness of justice, and it flies in the face of the plainest teachings of God's holy Word. The doctrine of original sin is not a Bible doctrine. It is a grotesque myth that contradicts the Bible on almost every page. But because good Christians can quote texts from the Bible to "prove" the doctrine of original sin, they are convinced it is true. But good Christians have rejected truth and clung to error in the name of the Bible before.

For instance, Galileo and Copernicus brought to the church the truth that the earth was not the center of the universe, that the sun did not go around the earth but that the earth went around the sun and that the earth rotated on its axis, giving the illusion that the sun was going around the earth.

We all know this to be true now, but did all good Christians believe it then? No, both John Calvin and Martin Luther clung, along with the church, to the error that the earth was the center of the universe, that the sun went around the earth and that the earth stood still.

"Martin Luther called Copernicus 'an upstart astrologer' and a 'fool who wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy.' Calvin thundered: 'Who will venture to place the authority of Copernicus above that of the Holy Spirit? Do not the Scriptures say that Joshua commanded the sun and not the earth to stand still? That the sun runs from one end of the heavens to the other?'"

Both Calvin and Luther were good, well-meaning men, but they still clung to their false views because they could quote Scripture texts to support them. Likewise, there are good, well-meaning Christians today who also erroneously cling to the doctrine of original sin because they can quote texts from the Bible to "prove" it.

It is these texts, that have been taken out of context and misinterpreted to support this false doctrine, that we will examine in the next chapter.

Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. Psalm 51:5

The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Psalm 58:3

And were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. Eph. 2:3

Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one. Job 14:4

What is man that he should be clean, and he that is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Job 15:14

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned...Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Rom. 5:12, 18, 19.

The Bible teaches that all men originate their own moral depravity. Gen. 6:12, Gen. 8:21, Deut. 32:5, Psalm 14:1-3, Rom. 3:23, Eccl. 7:29. The Bible teaches that men sin and corrupt themselves. In fact, early in mankind's history upon the earth men had become so corrupt that God sent a flood to destroy them.

I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth. Gen. 6:7.

Observe that God was angry with "man whom I have created." Certainly he was not angry with them because of the nature with which he had created them. No, it was because they had corrupted themselves that God was angry with them.

The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. Gen. 6:11, 12.

To corrupt means to make morally depraved. It means to pervert what is good and upright. It means to make unclean what was once clean. It means to spoil what was once good and unspoiled. The word corrupt always implies a former state that was unspoiled, clean, good, or upright. It is never used to speak of the original created nature of man. It speaks of what man has become because of spoiling or perverting the nature with which he was created.

Moral beings have never needed a sinful nature to make them sin. The first sin ever committed was committed by the devil. He did not have a sinful nature to make him sin. Then, a third of the angels fell. They did not have a sinful nature to make them sin. Then both Adam and Eve sinned. They did not have a sinful nature to make them sin. Then, why should it be thought necessary for men to be born with a sinful nature to account for their sins? The Bible does not teach that men must have a sinful nature in order to sin; it teaches that men sin in spite of a good nature:

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. Eccl. 7:29

The above Scripture is very clear. God has created men upright, but they have sinned in spite of an upright nature. This truth is taught directly, and by implication, throughout the whole Bible.

Acts 17:29 says, "We are the offspring of God." When the Apostle Paul made this statement, he was addressing heathen sinners. We know, therefore, that this verse applies to all mankind, and not just to those who are Christian believers. What, then, does this verse mean?

1. It means that we are all children of God by creation.

2. It means that, since we are the offspring of God, we are created in his image and likeness. (Advocates of the doctrine of original sin teach that men are no longer created in God's image since Adam sinned. This teaching directly contradicts both the Old and New Testament Scriptures. See Gen. 9:6, I Cor. 11:7, James 3:9.)

3. It means that everything we are and have at birth comes to us from God.

4. It means that, since God is the Creator, the Father, and the Author of all that we are and have at birth, we cannot be born sinners. God has created us, and he does not create sinners. He created us in his image and likeness, which is not sinful. We are his offspring, and his offspring do not come into this world as sinners.

5. It also implies and means that every sinner is the author of his own moral depravity. He becomes a sinner after he reaches the "age of accountability," i.e., after he knows right from wrong and after he "knows to refuse the evil, and choose the good." Isaiah 7:16, Deut. 1:39, Rom. 2:15, Rom. 5:14, Rom. 9:11.

The following texts also show that we are created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore with a good and upright nature:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him. Gen. 1:26, 27

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. Gen. 9:6

Man is the image and glory of God. I Cor. 11:7

Therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.James 3:9

The statements in the last three texts were made after the death of Adam, so they refute the teaching that men after Adam are not created in the image of God. If we believe that these texts teach that God has created us in his image and if we believe that it is impossible for God to create men with sinful natures, then we must believe that these texts are teaching that God has created man upright and that man has sinned in spite of an upright nature, as it declares in Eccl. 7:29.

Rev. 22:16 says, "I am the root and the offspring of David." In this verse Jesus is speaking and says that he is both the Creator and the offspring of David. How foolish it is, then, to maintain that man is born with a sinful nature, for Jesus both created human nature and also partook of human nature when he became a man.

God has created man upright and without sin. He has created man in his own image and likeness with sensibility, intellect, reason, conscience, and free will. Man has all the faculties and powers of moral agency. He knows right from wrong. The law of God is written in his heart. He is free and knows himself to be free and able to obey the law of God. His conscience approves his right conduct and condemns his wrong conduct.

All men, everywhere, have these same moral faculties and powers. A heathen man may be ignorant and primitive, but the law of God is written in his heart. His conscience approves his right conduct and condemns his wrong conduct. He has the same moral consciousness of a standard of right and wrong as any man who knows the Bible:

For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. Rom. 2: 14,15.

All men, everywhere, know themselves to be free and responsible moral agents. They know they are accountable for their deeds. They know this because the moral nature with which God has created them testifies to them of these truths. Some men deny this and claim that man's conscience, his knowledge of right and wrong, and his ideas of responsibility and accountability are not really innate revelations of his nature, but are merely learned and changeable convictions, acquired through reading the Bible, through religious instruction, or through the influence of society and environment.

But in spite of what some men say, the fact remains that all men know intuitively that they are responsible and accountable for their actions. An absolute standard of right and wrong is revealed and apparent to all men. Man's moral agency and his responsibility and accountability are so apparent that he cannot rationally deny them. He can no more deny them than he can deny his existence. This can be shown from the following:

1. Let someone come up to you, and without any provocation, hit you in the face. Would you need to be acquainted with the Bible, or would you need to know that society frowned on such conduct to know that you had been wronged? What man ever needed the Bible or religious instruction to know that it is wrong for someone to forcefully take what is his? Do you need the Bible to know that it is wrong for a person to insult you, lie about you, or abuse you in some way? Could any society convince itself through education that it is really right to hate, lie, steal, and murder or that it is wrong to love and do good to its neighbor? To maintain that hatred, murder, lying, stealing, and every other kind of meanness and injustice are wrong only in the eyes of those who have been taught to frown upon them is sublimely ridiculous.

2. This is because right and wrong are first truths of reason self-evident truths derived or given to us from our nature and relations as moral beings, and not from the philosophy, teaching, or arbitrary will of society. Right and wrong do not even derive from the arbitrary will of God. For if the arbitrary will of God made law right, then God could command any law to be right. He could command: "Thou shalt hate, thou shalt lie, thou shalt steal, thou shalt covet thy neighbor's wife, thou shalt be selfish, and thou shalt seek the misery and unhappiness of thy neighbor." And upon the supposition that God's arbitrary will made law right, it would be right to lie, steal, hate, and do everything possible to make mankind miserable and unhappy. But God's law is declaratory. He has declared to us the law of our nature. He has declared to us the same law of right and wrong that is founded in and revealed to us by our nature, necessities, and relations as moral beings.

3. Jesus recognized that there is a common standard of right and wrong revealed to all men when he gave the Golden Rule: "And whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Matt. 7:12 If men did not have a common knowledge of right and wrong revealed to them in and by their nature, they could not obey the Golden Rule because obedience to the Golden Rule depends upon a subjective knowledge, common to all men, of right conduct toward others.

4. The claim that morality is only a changing thing, which is established in each time context by the society in existence, has missed the point. For although it is true that different societies accept or permit things that other societies do not permit, still, man's innate convictions of right and wrong remain the same. What a man or a society will permit and the convictions of conscience are two different things. For instance, a man may himself be a thief and a liar. But does that mean that he has no convictions against stealing or lying? If someone steals from him, will he claim that there is nothing wrong with stealing? What liar ever said, "I see nothing wrong with lying. I love and admire liars. In fact, I just love it when people lie to me." Or what murderer would ever say, "I see nothing wrong with murder; in fact if someone attempted to murder me, I would put up no resistance at all."

5. If there were no common standard of right and wrong revealed to man by his nature, we could have no human government. In fact, human government would be a mere imposition were it not for man's moral nature and would be ridiculous, as ridiculous as a moral government over animals. The very fact that men do have human government shows that men know themselves to be responsible moral agents. It shows that they have innate convictions of right and wrong, and that they have a conscious knowledge of responsibility and accountability.

6. But the fact that human government is judged to be unjust, if it makes arbitrary law or imposes unjust penalty, shows that there is an ultimate standard of right and wrong a law revealed in our nature which all men know and appeal to. For instance, let a judge decide that he wants to sentence a convicted murderer to only one day in jail, and see if society does not rise up as one man to denounce the injustice of the sentence! But what does society appeal to in pronouncing the sentence unjust? Of course, it appeals to that self-evident standard of right and wrong which is revealed to all men in their moral nature. Or let us imagine that all the laws of our land are repealed overnight, and new laws are imposed such as the following: "It is a felony, punishable by life imprisonment to do anything good for your neighbor. All citizens are required by law to seek the misery and hurt of their neighbor. Therefore, all citizens are required to lie, steal, kill, and in other ways abuse their neighbors and seek to deprive them of their rights. In keeping with this new law (which cannot violate any absolute standard of righteousness and justice, since there is no natural law of justice, but all of man's convictions of right and wrong are merely the result of education and environment, and so can be changed at will without infringing upon anyone's rights) all men who have been imprisoned for past crimes will now be set free. (For there is no such thing as a self-evident standard of criminal action, because our convictions of wrong-doing are wholly dependent upon environment and education, and so can be changed at will.) Therefore, any citizen who does right and who does not do wrong will be sentenced to life imprisonment, and those citizens who will devote their lives to being selfish and seeking the misery of others will have the favor of this government."

Now, this supposition is ludicrous. But it would not seem ludicrous at all were it not for the innate knowledge of right and wrong in all men which makes them see it as ludicrous. The very fact that it is so obviously ludicrous to everyone shows that everyone has the same innate knowledge of right and wrong.

7. Language shows that all men have the same innate ideas of justice, right and wrong, and accountability. Words such as sin, wickedness, justice, injustice, right, wrong, good, evil, obligation, accountability, innocence, and guilt are just a few of the words which men use to express innate moral concepts that all men have. Man's language is a mirror of his rational moral nature.

8. Novelists know that all men have the same standard of right and wrong revealed to them in their nature. They do not write different novels for the wicked than they do for the righteous. The reason is that both wicked men and good men have the same standard of right and wrong revealed to them in their nature. It is not necessary for a novelist to write two versions of his novel, one for good men and another for bad men. For to write a novel in which the hero is evil and unjust would offend the conscience of both wicked and good men. The hero of the novel is never described as a bad man. He is always described as a good man, a just man, and a courageous man. And when the reader (even the reader who is wicked and unjust) sees that he is just and fights against evil, he will identify with him and experience satisfaction when he finally triumphs. Wicked men do not identify with the villain because of their irresistible convictions of justice, which by a law of necessity cause them to take sides with righteousness, justice, and goodness. The truth is that all men, whatever their character, have a common awareness of right and wrong. God has written his law in the hearts of all men!

9. All men, without exception, know that doing good to others rather than evil is their obligation. They know that kindness ought to be repaid by gratitude and not by hatred. If a man were to repay a kind deed with a hateful deed, his act would be considered wrong by all men. All men, without exception, know that they are under an obligation to govern their own conduct by the same rules as they think binding upon other men. There is only one adequate explanation of all this: man is a rational moral being created in the image of God, with the law of God written in his heart, and he cannot escape the testimony of that law!

10. The fact that men will deny the wrong they have done shows that they recognize an absolute standard of right and wrong. For instance, a man is accused of lying, cheating, or stealing. If the accusation is true, why does he deny it? It can only be that he recognizes that what he has done is wrong, for he would have no reason to hide or deny what he has done if he did not recognize it to be wrong.

11. The fact that men blame other men for wrongdoing shows that all men have the law of God written in their hearts. For instance, if someone's car is stolen, he would never say, "Oh, I don't blame whoever stole my car. After all, there is nothing wrong with stealing. People just think it's wrong to steal because society has educated them that way." The employee who is cheated out of his wages by his employer doesn't say, "Oh, he hasn't done anything wrong. He just learned a different set of ethics than most of us." All men resent unjust treatment when they are treated unjustly. If anyone abuses them with degrading or filthy language, they will be offended and blame the one who has abused them. And if anyone were to attempt to explain to them that they have not really been wronged and that they just think they have been wronged because of their religious education or environment, they will judge that person a fit candidate for the crazy house. The truth is that all men blame other men for wrongdoing, and this is true even if they know that they themselves are guilty of the same things. A man may be a liar, a thief, and a cheat himself, but he still judges those attributes as wrong in others. Whoever heard of a liar who was happy to be deceived by another liar? What liar would ever say, "I just love and admire liars; they are so noble"?

12. There is no escaping the fact that men have a common awareness of right and wrong and that they have this awareness without ever having read the Bible, and without the shaping or teaching influence of society. Man's knowledge of right and wrong is not the product of society. On the contrary, it is because of man's innate knowledge of right and wrong that an ordered society can and does exist with some degree of cohesion and decency. In fact, it is only man's common awareness of right and wrong, given him in his nature, that keeps society half-way on the track of decency and order. I say "half-way" because, although our moral nature forces irresistible convictions of right and wrong upon us, it cannot force us to do the right. We, as free moral agents, are able to obey or disobey the law of our nature.

13. Man's whole system of human government with its law and its penalty for the broken law is founded and built upon his common awareness of responsibility and accountability. Without this awareness, human government would not and could not exist. Therefore, human government with its laws, penalties, police forces, courts, judges, etc., gives mute testimony to the fact that all men know themselves to be moral agents and fully responsible and accountable for their deeds. Otherwise, moral government would be an imposition and senseless, as senseless as a moral government over the beasts of the field.

Man is created as more than one of the dumb beasts of the field. Man is an intelligent rational spirit. He is created in the image and likeness of God. He is able to know God, commune with him and have fellowship with him. How noble is the nature that God has given man! How glorious are his powers and faculties as a moral being, created in the image and likeness of God! How holy his possibilities and how lofty his position by creation, but how criminally low he has fallen! He has fallen from the glorious position of a child of God to the perverted position of a devil. Man is a child of God by creation, but a child of the devil by choice! "We are his offspring." Acts 17:29. "Ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." Psalm 82:6, 7. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do." John 8:44. "He that committeth sin is of the devil." I John 3:8.

The Bible represents man to be just exactly what he knows himself to be and that is why men cannot escape the conviction that the Bible is the Word of God it represents him as being a responsible, rational moral being, with moral faculties and powers which enable him to know and do right, but who has sinned against the light of his nature. It represents him as having resisted his God-given reason, trampled on conscience, and abused free moral agency. In short, it represents man as being under God's just wrath, not for being born with a sinful nature, but for resisting, abusing, and perverting the faculties and powers with which God created him. It should be forever remembered that obedience to God's law is in accord with the moral nature that God has given us, but that disobedience to God's law resists and abuses the moral nature that God has given us.

The Bible doctrine of sin is this: men have been created upright, in the image and likeness of God, with the law of God written in their hearts, with a conscience, with the dazzling light of a rational nature, and with all the faculties and powers of free moral agency. But men have corrupted themselves. They have sinned against their God-given nature, and have come short of the glory of God. "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions." Eccl. 7:29.

Finally, it should be emphasized that sin is never spoken of as a calamity or a misfortune in the Bible. It is spoken of as a crime and rebellion. But there could be no greater calamity or misfortune in heaven or in earth than that of being born sinners! If men were born sinners and could not help but sin, they would never be treated as criminals and rebels against the government of God. Instead, they would be considered of all the creatures of God, the most worthy of pity, sympathy, and compassion. They would be considered supremely unfortunate, and their sin the greatest misfortune and calamity in the universe.

If the sinner really were unfortunate, the Bible would have to be rewritten, because it never speaks of the sinner as unfortunate or worthy of pity, but rather as being wicked and worthy of everlasting punishment. Remember how God judged wicked sinners in the days of Noah. He overthrew them with a flood and sent them quickly down to hell. Gen. 6:5-13. Now, it is absolutely unbelievable that God would do such a thing, if it were true that those sinners were born morally depraved and could not help but commit sin. Look how God judged the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He rained fire and brimstone out of heaven upon them and sent their wicked inhabitants down into hell. But if the filthy wickedness that was committed in those cities was the result of an inborn moral depravity, how could God possibly have sent them down into hell for their sins? Then, think of the multitudes upon multitudes of heathen who have died in their sins and gone down into hell, without a knowledge of the Gospel. It is incredible beyond imagination that God would send them to hell if they were born sinners and committed sin because of the nature with which they were born! No, the whole Bible would have to be rewritten if the doctrine of original sin were true because it contradicts the letter and the spirit of every page of the Scriptures.

I will call attention to two more passages from the Bible which show that men are created upright, with a good nature, and in the image and likeness of God:

He called them gods unto whom the Word of God came. John 10:35

I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most high. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Psalm 82:6, 7

These passages, like the verse that says, "We are the offspring of God," are speaking of all mankind. They show that men are created as gods, that is that they "are made in the image of God" (Gen. 9:6), that they "are the offspring of God" (Acts 17:29), and that they "are the children of the most High" (Psalm 82:6). In showing the exalted state of men as gods, they also show the boundless guilt and ill-desert of men in corrupting themselves and falling from this exalted state. But if men are born into this world as sinners, they have not fallen at all, and there is no way that they can be guilty for their sins. It would be absurd to speak of the boundless guilt and ill-desert of sinners if they were born sinners. But if, as the Bible teaches, we are "the offspring of God," we are "the image and glory of God," we are "gods," and we are "the children of the most High," and we have sinned against the image of God and the nature with which he created us, then we have a true idea of the enormity of our sin, the boundlessness of its guilt, and the greatness of God's mercy toward us in giving his Son to die for our sins.

It is a solemn fact that sinners will be punished for ever and ever in hell. This fact is a fearful illustration of the boundless guilt and ill-desert of sinners. But if it were really true that men were born sinners, they could not be guilty in the least for their sins. They would be unfortunate, yes, but not guilty. However, sin is not a misfortune. It is the greatest outrage in the universe. It is a crime against man's nature and rebellion against the Creator of our nature. God has measured the crime, the outrage, the guilt and the ill-desert of sin by its awful penalty: everlasting punishment in hell's fire!

They have corrupted themselves. Deut. 32:5

All flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. Gen. 6:12

They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Psalm 14:3

The imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. Gen. 8:21

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Rom. 3:23

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. Eccl. 7:29

Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. Rom. 7:17

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing. Rom. 7:18

Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. Rom. 7:20

But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. Rom. 7:23

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. Rom. 8:3

by A. T. Overstreet  

Excerpted from


DEPRAVITY IS A HUMAN CONDITION. But Is This Condition "Total Depravity" or "Partial Depravity"? Many people claim that they are not depraved at all.

 Depravity is an act that violates the natural rights that one human has with another human or the Creator.

The term “depravity” is not so common these days as it may have been a century or two ago. Common vernacular tends to change even if the franca lingua is still a particular language such as English is today—although, modern English has varieties of expression peculiar to a given country or even a region or different regions within a country. Nevertheless, understanding depravity is necessary if we are to grasp that state of affairs that pervades global morality.

Corruption is a word many understand as being acts people ought to be ashamed of having committed because they are directly or indirectly defrauding others of rights in one way or another. For some people the term “corruption” conjures up underhanded political maneuvers that come with bags of money being left behind on park bench seats or buses or taxis or restaurant tables and toilets. Others immediately think of organized crime facilitated by the Mafioso or Triads, which as it happens requires the bribing of politicians or executives in large corporations.

Kickback is a term that is used for many business deals that involve corrupt business practices. Without kickbacks many businesses would not survive because the competition would slaughter them and people would have to be more productive in order to break into new markets or stay in the industry or remain commercially viable. This applies to every sector: professional (law, medical, health), financial (banks, insurance, stocks, etc.) retail, wholesale, manufacturing (light, heavy), primary (farming, forestry, mining, etc.) military, government, etc.

Essentially, there are seven areas where depraved acts occur that embrace everything to do with corruption.  The root of all corruption begins with the seed of sin, distraction, and overlooking that God the Creator sees everything. When a righteous person becomes distracted from doing what is good, right and true, unless the distraction is immediately discarded, the seed of sin can sprout its shoot. Once the shoot goes out, it will constantly niggle the person until it sprouts.


The book of James describes what happens this way:

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.  But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.  Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. (James 13-15)

At the heart of everything is desire. Desire is the first cause. We either desire to have relationships that are not only good, but also true, because this is only right action to do.

Any claim that we have a natural propensity to sin may appear correct superficially, but when we look a little deeper we will see that this is not exactly the case. The process described by James gives us a better understanding of how we violate the rights of another, and commit sin by doing so.

What are our natural rights? Everybody knows that this is to love one another. Unfortunately, when we are growing as children, we perform acts that do not express love towards our brothers and sisters at times. These may even be done unwittingly.  Likewise we may do the same to our parents. In the event that we do not violate the rights of our immediate family members, we still cannot ignore our Creator God. Our Creator has a natural right to participate in our lives and is worthy of our devotion. For what puppet says to its creator, “Don’t pull my strings?” Or to the ventriloquist, “Don’t use me as your prop?”


The idea that we are nothing but clay molded into whatever form our Creator determines is used in Scripture to remind the nation Israel that they exist only because they were chosen because of a promise made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that the God Himself would be born into that nation to right the wrongs, fulfill His purpose and bring peace to mankind.  However, because the nation is made up of individuals, each individual born into the nation ought to think of themselves as clay. They have no choice except to do what their Creator desires or be destroyed.

Grasping the concept that Israel was a nation created by God for His purpose to bring salvation and peace to the world through a person, who does not perform one act of depravity, is difficult for many people to do for some reason. The Scriptures always seem to treat Israel as the chosen nation of God. 

What expositors tend to overlook is that a nation consists of people, who are given the right of exercising freewill. The people can do whatever they like, even though the wise would never commit a depraved act. The wise are fully aware that to do so may not necessarily infringe upon another person, but could certainly violate the right of God to be recognized as Creator, and therefore absolute sovereign.

The Old Testament Scriptures are very clear about what rights Israel as a nation has, and points out that this nation exists as a corporate body where everyone can have their say. However, when anyone decides to violate his or her relationship with God, by not respecting Him for Who He Is, then they will not be part of the plan and purpose of the Creator. That person has elected to opt out.

Through the prophet Isaiah, God declared:

Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, a pot among earthen pots! Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ or ‘Your work has no handles’? (Isaiah 45.9 ESV)

The prophet Jeremiah brought the same message:

And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.

Then the word of the Lord came to me:  “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the Lord. Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. If at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, and if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I intended to do to it. And if at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it, and if it does evil in my sight, not listening to my voice, then I will relent of the good that I had intended to do to it. (Jeremiah 18:4-10 ESV)

What is clear, individual freewill is a part of the process, and collectively individuals form a nation. Righteous nations are formed from families that have members who look after the interests of each other and don’t violate each other’s rights for the good of all living in the house. In this case, the house of Israel is whom God is concerned with and while He is speaking in terms of nations and kingdoms, He is also speaking about the individuals who collectively make up the nation or kingdom. Moreover, through Jeremiah, God says what He will do, in the event the people disregard His plans for the nations. Any nation that “comes the bounce”, and of which the people think they can totally disregard their Creator, He will destroy. What applies to the nation also applies to the individual.

Depravity therefore is the violation of the rights of another. A person can give God the finger and think that nothing will happen when he or she dies—but, Can you really imagine yourself not existing?

Dorothy Murdock

Dorothy Murdock was a writer who vehemently despised our Creator. She wrote a book on Moses (who was given the plan and purpose of God) being a myth, and made false claims about her research and about her abilities. For instance, it was pointed out to her by this author that evidence of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea exists and what was described in the book of Exodus has been verified (the bitter waters of Marah, the seven springs of Elim, the rock from which water flowed, the cattle ramps to the altar of sacrifice below Mt Sinai, which has evidence of scorching fire having burned the rock at its peak, the cave in Mt Horeb, the inscriptions on the nearby rocks). Instead of investigating what she was told, she went to Wikipedia, which at the time disparaged the documenting of these finds, then claimed she had researched the matter and the evidence that exists is fake.  That was October, 2014. She then contracted cancer and battled it for the following year, decrying Lord Jesus Christ as a myth. Tragically, and coincidentally, she died on December 25, 2015.

Now this woman claimed that she was a good woman. She believed that she was a moral and upright person irrespective of her attitude or how she treated other people. This is depravity. A certain class of theologians calls this “total depravity” as do Calvinists and many claiming to be evangelicals.

When thinking of depravity, a depraved, disheveled, obnoxious, hideous-looking person with rotten teeth, and frothing at the mouth with rabies, may come to mind. Otherwise, depravity for most of us would not mean much. We are depraved anyway, so what about it? Totally depraved according to many, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Adam's Choice

We all make our choices. Adam made his choice. He chose to disobey his Creator because he saw Eve eat of the prohibited fruit and, obviously, didn’t want to miss out. Had Adam chose to not violate his relationship with his Creator, Eve would have been replaced.

Anyhow, analogically speaking, a bottle full of soda has broken on the kitchen floor. The sticky mess needs to be cleaned. The ants are swarming. There is no point in arguing over what could have been.

The result of Adam’s violation has meant that all humanity has been taken capture by the Ancient Serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan (Revelation 12:9). This capture of humanity, meant that the rights that were given to Adam to rule over the Earth were handed over to the Ancient Serpent.

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so (Genesis 1:28-30 ESV)

Adam had rebelled against his Creator by what many today would seem a minor matter, disobeying the voice of his Creator. While this may seem like a trivial matter for us in some respects, and all Adam had to do was say, sorry, the Lord God did not see it in the same way. Clearly there was something else afoot that is not so conspicuous. Unless it is revealed to us, we will not know what it is. This act of disobedience by Adam actually "stuffed up" the original plan for humanity. Instead, a new plan had to be devised.  The Apostle John informs us that sin originated from the Devil, and the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the Devil’s works (1 John 3:8).

Apostle Paul's Argument

The Apostle Paul, writing to the Jews in Rome, lays out his argument as to why the Son of God appeared. Unfortunately, it is because people misinterpret or willfully eschew certain aspects of Paul’s exposition, as to why the Son of God had to appear in the flesh if people were to be saved, the concept of Total Depravity derived from the idea of Original Sin affecting everybody came into existence.  To quote the Apostle Paul:

12 Therefore as sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all men sinned— 13 sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. 14 Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sins were not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.

15 But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift in the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. 16 And the free gift is not like the effect of that one man’s sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brings justification. 17 If, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.

18 Then as one man’s trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one man’s act of righteousness leads to acquittal and life for all men. 19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous. 20 Law came in, to increase the trespass; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5:12-21 RSV)

Reading the text, what is clear, that while one man committed sin, and as a consequence of this, all men were condemned to physical death, not all were necessarily going to sin, even though death spread to all men because they sinned.  Paul’s argument is that unless there is a law, how can people know what is sin and what is not.  Nevertheless, while many (not all) are made sinners as a consequence of one man’s actions and will suffer for what they do, many (unfortunately not all) will not find eternal respite from suffering, through the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ.

Newborn children, for instance, may die and have never sinned. No charge of sin can be brought against them. Then there are the accounts of Enoch and Elijah. Neither of these individuals died. The idea that all (as in every single person who is born) are condemned to sin and death is clearly false.  What is not false, all who are not miscarried, aborted, or stillborn are condemned to being born into a world ruled by the Evil One, who happens to gain access to individuals thinking and then trap them, with the aim of self-destruction, if not the destruction of others. 

What Constitutes Sin?

Once a person violates another’s right, then an act of sin has been committed.  This can be done unintentionally, if not intentionally.  When unintentionally done, the Evil One has not the same claim on a person as he does when a violation of a person’s right is done purposely.  These rights are laid out in the Ten Commandments, which have five that are a violation against God and five where there is no mention of God, but disregarding them is nevertheless an offense against our Heavenly Father.  The Evil One is able to take control of our will once we intentionally violate any one of the commandments, for to do so is to commit sin (2 Timothy 2:26). Once our will not to sin is weakened, we will find ourselves habitually sinning.

Not everybody commits the same sins. There are fewer murderers than there are adulterers, thieves and liars; but this depends on whether we ever harden our hearts towards another person, for to hate another person for any reason is the same as murder according to the Apostle John, who states "whoever hates his brother is a murderer" (1 John 3:15). When speaking of hate, there is no mention of time, just the act.

Disobeying and dishonoring our parents in any manner, hating someone for a moment, longing for anyone other the one person whom we marry, taking anything without permission, stating anything that we know is untrue, and coveting what does not belong to us, will cause anyone of us to enter the state of depravity. Having done any of these knowingly, we will find that doing so the second time is easier than the first, and the Evil One has access to our will; that is, our volition, our ability to discern right from wrong. The more we make a practice of violating the prohibitions of disobeying our parents, hating others, committing adultery, stealing, lying, and coveting, the easier it is for our conscience to be seared and become hardened.

Total depravity would suggest being given over to doing evil in every aspect of our lives, regardless of with whom we interact. If we have a debased mind, we find ourselves committing evil. Individuals, who have a habit of doing this, tend to die unexpectedly. The majority of the world’s population would hardly be as debauched as the people of Pompeii had become. The uncovered ruins testify of how debased they were, and like the promise given to Abraham regarding the sin of the Canaanites not having fully matured, so, too, the sin of the people of Pompeii may very well have become more outrageous with each succeeding generation. The fact, that it was a prosperous city and people were doing what was needed to ensure a high standard of living, does not deter debased thinking, nor does it not mean that Mt Vesuvius erupting and burying the city and its inhabitants was not the means by which God executed judgment upon them.

Some people are so debased that even if a person is excreting diarrhea they will not cease the act of sodomy. Yet we are told that homosexuality and sodomy is natural, animals do it. Bestiality is not as uncommon as we may think. What follow these behaviors are cover-ups, false witness and denial. The innocent and gullible believe what they are told.

Living in a state of depravity is not difficult to do. Many of us will claim that we did nothing wrong really, even though we will not admit the truth about what we have done or thought because we are ashamed to do so. Others simply couldn’t care. Youth talk about masturbation and pornography, using abusive language, as they exhibit their disrespect for each other; yet their parents will call them good kids.

Prince Of The Power Of The Air

Depravity then is a state that pervades the society in which we live. The Apostle Paul points this out to those who have escaped from being captured by the Devil to do his will, stating:

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:  Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. (Ephesians 2:2-3 KJV)

This is not say the actual air (which consists of hydrogen, oxygen, etc.) that we breathe is the Prince of the Power of the Air, but rather that as we cannot see the elements that we breathe, neither can we see the spirit of the Prince that has the power to reign over us all, if we allow him to further entice our desires to do evil, before we can change our minds to do what is right. We become by nature children of wrath, when we follow the ways of the world, which are wrapped up in the lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eyes and the pride of life—self-preservation leading to self-first and a sense of superiority.

An apple becomes spoiled with a spot of rot. The rot can be cut out and the rest of the apple can be eaten. If the rot is left in the apple, it’s not long before the apple is terrible to the taste. Nobody eats rotten apples. Worse still, one rotten apple is sufficient to cause a whole barrel of apples to become rotten. The fungus spreads or sends signals to the other apples to begin decomposing. Each apple doesn’t rot at the same time as the first apple, some can be saved, but much depends on the terrain, the conditions in which they are being stored. 

Likewise, not all people are corrupted in the same way as others may be. The variations of moral corruption are such that, depending upon the environment, evil finds itself only able to flourish under conditions that bring death and destruction sporadically. All too often, people recognize that doing evil to everyone is unwise, and if any evil is to be done, certain types of evil actions are more advantageous than others, at least in the short term.  The saying that evil flourishes when good men do nothing, may be true, but righteousness is not necessarily what people are calling good; for a righteous person ceases to be good if he or she permits evil to happen. Yet when we call a person good, we are not saying that the person is righteous. However, it is only righteousness that is really good. Anything less than being one hundred per cent righteous is corruption. This means being morally depraved.

The argument that "all are morally depraved in some way, therefore, total depravation exists throughout the world," would make sense if this were the case for children who had not sinned. Just as an apple can be thrown into a barrel of rotten apples and taken out before the rot gets it, so too can children be kept from the ways of the world and not have to sin. Many children are protected from the evils of this world. Unfortunately, as soon as a child is distracted and focuses on desiring something belonging to another, depravity lurks in the shadows.

Strong Willed

Essentially, then we are not born depraved, nor are necessarily born into a depraved household, but we are born into a world governed by depravity, even if every individual is not totally depraved and utterly given over to the Devil. Besides, many individuals have strong wills. This is none too evident in the feats demonstrated by eastern monks, who practice martial arts, or the “Buddha boy”, who went for more than six months without drinking or eating, while meditating under a tree.

Difficult to believe but 15 year old Ram Bahadur Bomjon of Nepal spent ten months from 16th May, 2005, meditating in the same pose under a tree, without eating or drinking for ten months.  Discovery Channel film crew visited in 2006 and filmed him continuously for 96 hours sitting and meditating under the tree without movement or receiving any sustenance.

Prahlad Jani of Ahmedabad, India, in 2010, claimed that he had not eaten or drank anything for 70 years. He was placed in a hospital room on his own and research scientists from Indian Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences observed him continuously for 15 days, not once did he eat or drink or pass urine or defecate.  He would just meditate.

A third individual, who doesn't eat, has also been observed in hospital for 411 days under strict supervision. He claims that he gets his source of energy by looking at the sun.

At the time of the reports of the three individuals mentioned above appear to show no signs of lusting after the flesh, worldly belongings or desire for power, but have a strong will and can take pride in their personal feat. These three individuals are not only considered holy and adored by the people, but they are also worshipped. The question becomes: Do they feel any need to seek the Creator God?

Ram Bahadur Bomion in fact has gone to prove the point about how the Evil One claims people who violate the rights of others. According to reports, a decade after his attempt of enlightenment, Ram Bahadur Bomion claimed he was the reincarnated Buddha and there have been accusations of kidnapping, torture, sexual assault and even murder made against him. His mother went to the police for fear that he would commit incest with his younger sister.  The acts of depravity unfortunately have not been fully investigated by the local authorities. They think he is some kind of  divine being, due to his original superhuman feat of sitting motionless without eating or drinking under a peepal tree for ten months.        

 There are innocent and self-sacrificing people in this world that are not caught up in the evil desires found in the wanton, the bribed and those who enjoy exercising the power of the bribe and blackmail over their peers. However, the Bible informs us that the Lord God Creator of the Heavens and Earth has rights that are violated when we ignore Him. To ignore our Creator is an act of depravity. It just so happens, depravity is the place where corruption is found. Where corruption is found, unless it is immediately removed, depravity will reign.

The good news is that while we were weak, at the right time, the appointed Lord Jesus Christ died for us all (Romans 5:6). This weakness spoken of by the Apostle Paul is what has happened to every person who has succumbed to the desire to violate rights. Once we fracture our relationship with God and some other person by doing what we know is evil, our ability to resist continuing to do this becomes weakened, and all the more so each time the violation is committed.

Who Should Suffer?

The eighteenth century preacher John Wesley claimed that this weakness was because we had "a want of original righteousness" that put us under Total Depravity. We can show that even though this may be the case for Adam, after he violated his relationship with his Creator, his violation and those of our parents are of no account to us, because each person is held accountable for his or her own sin. 

The prophet Ezekiel made no bones about this issue of who is responsible for sin. A whole chapter, and more, is devoted to this very subject of each person being accountable for each one's own actions, with the sins of the fathers having no bearing upon the matter. That the power to exercise our own will and turn from sin is clear, for we read:

Yet you say, ‘Why should not the son suffer for the iniquity of the father?’ When the son has done what is just and right, and has been careful to observe all my statutes, he shall surely live. (Ezekiel 19:19 ESV)

Again, when a wicked person turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he shall save his life. (Ezekiel 18:27 ESV)

No person inherits the sins, the violations of righteousness, of his or her parents. Since no violation is passed down from parent to child, no person is born totally depraved or even partially depraved. In fact every person is born righteous. However, every person is born into a world governed by the originator of sin, the Devil.  His desire is to deceive people and weaken their will so they will find it difficult to repent from the sins that they commit.

Not everyone has the same inclination towards the various forms of depravity that exist. Even the strong-willed can find themselves violating God’s right to provide for them and acknowledging this. Their sense of self-attainment and what it means for them can be the very stumbling block that enables the Evil One to weaken their will and make the wrong decision in relation to having an everlasting relationship with their Creator.

The state of depravity in which we live does not mean that we cannot make our own decisions, nor does it mean that we are powerless to contemplate having a relationship with our Creator, as many claim. The state of depravity exists and we are born into it; but, like being an apple placed inside a barrel with rotten apples, we have to actually become part of the world before it can become part of us. This truth only becomes evident once we have come to the realization that we have freewill and God invites us to reason with Him (Isaiah 1:18). For nobody asked to be born to die. Nobody asked to be born into a world where sin, suffering and death amount to all that existence ultimately entails. 

KJV (King James Version)

RSV (Revised Standard Version of the Bible) copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 Used by permission.

MSG The Message Bible Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission.

ESV (English Standard Version) ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, Used by permission.


GOD IMPUTES RIGHTEOUSNESS TO ALL MEN THROUGH THE DEATH OF HIS SON. Whether All Men Accept This May Be Another Matter, For Freewill Is Given To Every Person To Make Decisions. When God became sin on behalf of man, He did not stay nailed to a cross.

 God needed to establish his righteousness for all Creation to see and demolish the power of the evil one. This He has done by imputing sin to His Son and righteousness to man. The death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ becomes the keystone in all of this, so that an exchange of sin for righteousness could be made.

Upholding the law of righteousness by imputing the sin of the world onto Lord Jesus Christ and thereby making the imputation of righteousness available to every person is what God needed to do to deliver mankind from the state of depravity that governs the Earth. The responsibility to remove the stain of sin and make righteousness available to every person born of a woman was God’s prerogative; something that He alone had the power to do. No person, even if he never sinned, could do this; for this required not only someone who never sinned, but also someone who had the inherent power to overcome death.

To understand the reasons for imputation being required, and exercised in the way that it has been, it is helpful if we can comprehend the original intention of God's creation of man, which consists of a man and a woman. Man does not consist of a male member of the human race. Man consists of both the male and female members. This is what the Bible teaches. 

The Bible being our source of salvation truth; for we learn from it that the Savior said it bears witness to Him (John 5:39-40) and the Apostle Paul stated that the Holy Writings, that is, the Old Testament Scriptures, are able to instruct us for salvation through Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 5.15). Not only do we have the Old Testament, we also have the New Testament that bears witness to our Lord Jesus Christ, and helps clarify, if not everything, much of what was told in the Scriptures before our salvation was wrought through the Cross of Calvary.

When God created Adam and Eve,  He gave them the option, the choice, of being obedient or disobedient. With God, from what we can ascertain from the Scriptures, order is essential for peace and righteousness to prevail. Once order is dismantled, chaos results. This happens only when disobedience occurs. Disobedience can only occur when individuals possess freewill.

God created Adam first. Eve was created afterwards. Therefore this created an order. First one, then two.  Order means that there is procession, where one leads, or goes before, or appears before another. Without order, there is no counting. Without order there is no intelligence or reasoning. Without order there is no recognition of existence. When God manifests Himself, His Word comes forth. The Word is the full comprehensive knowledge that calculates order. We learn:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him and there was nothing made without Him. (John :1-3)

Understanding what the Bible states about the WORD and who the Word is really, is very important if we are to understand the truth of what has happened, why we are born into a world governed by sin and death, what we needs to happen if we are to be delivered from this futile existence, when this can take place and how we can be secure our own deliverance.

The Bible teaches that the Word is the beginning of all things. This includes the beginning of time, that is, eternity. The Word, however, is not the beginning of infinity; for infinity has no bounds, no beginning, no end, and cannot be measured. Nevertheless, time can be measured, because time has an order. Time has procession. One thing goes before another. One thing can be distinguished from the other. Hence, the Bible teaches us that the Father can be distinguished from the Son as separate entities. We read in the book of Proverbs (8:22-30) that this One possessed of God, through whom all things were made, was with Him as a master workman. The two were one in purpose. 

This section of Proverbs creates problems for many because some assert that the Word was a created being. Others insist that the Word was always in existence and is one third of the Godhead. But if we stick to what the Bible actually teaches, we learn there was a beginning where God manifested Himself as the WORD, who was separate from Himself and yet was the same as Himself, however, if an identifiable form. Essentially, the difference between the Father and the Son, who possessed the same name (Proverbs 30:4), was one proceeded the other.  This Jesus referred to when saying:

Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. (John 8:42  KJV)

 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I proceeded and came forth from God; I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. (John 8:42 RSV)

In respect to the Son of God "proceeding forth" some commentators come close to recognizing the procession of the Father and the Son but then opt for the idea of "pre-human fellowship". This is evident in what Meyer's Commentary states: 

ξλθον] the proceeding forth from that essential pre-human fellowship with God, which was His as the Son of God, and which took place through the incarnation (John 13:3, John 16:27-28; John 16:30, John 17:8). The idea of a mere sending would not be in harmony with the context, the proper subject of which is the Fatherhood of God; (Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer's NT Commentary)

According to the KJV Lexicon the Greek word "ξέρχομαι" translated "I proceeded forth" has at its heart the meaning of "to issue -- come (forth, out), proceed (forth). Hence, when Jesus said the he "proceeded forth" from the Father, this was a veiled reference to His own coming forth from the bosom of God. God is not the Father of any human in the same way as He is the Father of the Word, that is, the Son of God. Just as humans possess the same natural attributes of their fathers, the Son of God possesses the same as His Father. This is implied when the writer of Proverbs 30.4 asks the question of readers as to whether they know name of the Holy One, the Father and the Son. Though they are two, they are one.

When Adam was created, he was told that he could eat of the fruit of every tree in the Garden of Eden except the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam was given a helpmate, created from his own rib. The two were one flesh (Genesis 2:24). They were the same, though different. They were created in the likeness of God.  Nevertheless, God named them Man (Genesis 5:1-2).

The Scripture does not say that God told Eve not to eat of the tree. Instead, we learn that He told Adam before Eve was created. Since Adam was first in procession, we have to assume that he told Eve.  For peace to exist there was an order that required adherence otherwise their would be no righteousness and no unity. For Eve to do what was right, she had to get her advice from Adam. Unfortunately, Eve listened to another who created doubt in her mind. Eve sinned by partaking of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve did not die and handed a piece of fruit to Adam, who partook. Had Adam not partook, He would not have sinned. The Apostle Paul says:

For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. (1 Timothy 2:12-13 KJV) 

The order of procession had been broken when Eve sinned through disobedience. Had Adam not partaken also of the fruit, Eve could have been destroyed  and a new Eve created. The plan of God would have still been intact. But because Adam disobeyed His Creator, whom Luke calls his Father (Luke 3:38). Except, Adam did not proceed forth from God in the same way as did the Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Adam was a created being, who was actually created by the Son of God. For all things were created through Him.

There are two scenarios that we can presuppose concerning what would have happened if Adam and Eve had not eaten of the forbidden fruit.

Scenario One:

Adam and Eve would have always have had the temptation of eating of the forbidden fruit, but since they ate of the fruit of the tree of life, which was also in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9), they would live forever. The fruit of the tree of life would have imparted something to eaters that gave them no desire to eat of the forbidden fruit. All of Adam and Eve's offspring and their descendants would nevertheless have to make their own decision not to eat of the forbidden fruit and eat that from the tree of life. This would have continued until all the Earth was filled with people and there was no resources for any more.

Scenario Two

Lucifer, Adam and Eve's guardian angel, who had been given the highest position of all God's Creation, realized that the first child that was to be born of Eve, the Son of God was going to enter and when this happened, man would be exalted above him. Even though man was made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26) he was lower than the angels (cf. Heb. 2:7-9; Ps. 8:3-9). 

At the time of Eve's first pregnancy, neither her or Adam had sinned. They were morally perfect Knowing the Son of God was to enter Eve's first child, and be given the Name above all Names, became too much for the guardian angel that covered the most prized of God's Creation. The Bible states:

Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. (Ezekiel 28:14-14 KJV)

No angel was created in the image or likeness of God. Man being two individuals and not one, may have given the appearance of being less than the angels who were one. The Covering Cherub may have thought so, until he found himself in the situation that Abel found himself, then iniquity (covetousness, sin) was found in him. In the New Testament we are told to:

not be like Cain who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous. (1John 3:12)

This suggests that Cain could be an type of the Evil One, the Covering Cherub, who has manifested himself as the Ancient Serpent, the Devil, Satan, and is known by other names, including the Great Dragon. This is how Cain committed sin:

In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your countenance fallen?  If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is couching at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it.” (Genesis 3:3-7)

Cain was the first born and the order of procession gave precedence to him being before Abel. Cain offering was unacceptable for God but Abel's was.  Consequently, Cain was angry that the one who came after him found more favor.  Covetousness was found in Cain, for he sought to prevent Abel from having favor with God forever. This appears to be what happened with the Evil One. Both believed their own lies.

Both scenarios are mere speculation. The second scenario has stronger biblical parallels, which suggests the original plan is still being executed, but through a different order of events, and the preordained number of souls to become sons of God would be accomplished. Irrespective of this, the reality is Adam sinned. In doing so, he handed over his right to govern the Earth to the Devil.

The Epistle of First John (3:8) informs us that the reason the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the Devil. Had the Devil not sinned in the beginning, the appearance of the Son of God would not have been to destroy the Devil's works, but to demonstrate the Son of God's pre-eminence in all things by being the first born of Man (cf. Colossians 1:15-18) and reign over the Creation.

The process of salvation is a very legal matter. Violation of righteousness is a legal matter. Except we are not in a human court of law, we are talking about the Court of Heaven and standing before the Judge of all the Earth. 

God is a merciful judge, but not at the expense of righteousness. God's major concern is the depravity of a person. Depravity is the reason humans are estranged from God.  Depravity is the corruption of a person, which begins with the first sign of rot, or sin, when a transgression, that is, a violation of righteousness takes place. Some transgressions may be small. Those unwittingly done may be small transgressions. Similarly, when habitual small transgressions occur, say from telling what are called "white lies", these are like small spots of rot appearing on a piece of fruit.

Apples that are ripe may sometimes start to show rot spots, but on the inside the fruit is good. Once the skin is peeled the fruit is eatable.  If the apple has become too ripe, though still eatable, for those who like the flowery taste, it is still good for cooking, for the core of the fruit hasn't been affected. However, some apples may appear very attractive and fresh on the outside, inside they are rotten to the core. These apples are like people who suffer from covetousness or other sins of the heart. They are like good looking people who can easily beguile people because are "A listers". The innocent and easily beguiled equate good looks with good morals.

Since nobody has asked to be born into this world governed by sin, God Himself has a responsibility to make amends for wrongs done to the innocent. Many people find such a statement offensive, but this is the truth. The Creator is responsible for His Creation. Although there is a distinction between God's responsibility and each person's own responsibility. This distinction is not appreciated by people. Too many in leadership positions don't appreciate this distinction between God's responsibility, having created mankind, and the responsibility of each individual who is the descendants of Adam and Eve. 

Unfortunately, the blame for sin is mostly placed upon each individual, who is then beguiled or scared into complying with what the leaders of churches require. Effectively, this is a form of witchcraft, a force of sorcery. Instead of confronting people with the truth and then reasoning with people, church authorities, that is, shepherds/teachers, are inclined to either overlook iniquity or use condemnation, the threat of eternal punishment to get their way. Whichever gets the people to attend church, listen to their appointed shepherds, so they can feed themselves (cf. Ezekiel 34), is often used to varying degrees.

The most deceptive teaching is the one that provides a platform for people to believe that they are chosen, no matter how often they sin, and those who do not conform to what is required of church authorities are damned to eternal punishment. Those who become adherents of denominations who teach this abominable doctrine of being chosen before the foundation of the world-- often known as "unconditional election"--are to be most pitied. Unwittingly, they have entered into the Devil's snare. Subconsciously, they cannot but think that they are better than those unfortunates who are going to Hell because they were not chosen before the foundation of the world.

This is where understanding what happened in the beginning is ever so helpful in seeing the truth that originally God had intended to fill the Earth with people. The Earth, of course, could only cater for a maximum number of people and no more. This is evident from what God said to Adam and Eve after they had been created:

And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:28)

What reason would the Covering Cherub have to fear losing his status if Man was only to have dominion over fish, birds and the creatures on the Earth? They would have still been under him. For as the Psalmist says: 

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. (Psalm 8:4-8 KJV)

The story changes if the plan was for the Son of God to become the Son of Man, and the first human being born was to become the incarnated first born of God--the Word made flesh!

Rather than destroying what had already been corrupted, God had to demonstrate to His Creation that He Himself is righteous, loving and just. Therefore, the plan that was set in action was still to be carried out, except not according to the original timeline. A different timeline would be used. 

However,  the Devil was able to further interfere and enticed other angels to copulate with women; the offspring of which become violent, not having the intelligence and capacity to reproduce that humans possessed. Since God did not place spirits within these hybrid beings, as he does with humans at birth, they were nothing more than irrational creatures of instinct. Not having spirits that would enable them to think made a massive difference to these creatures that looked like humans but had the capacity of apes to imitate. Had God given them spirits, these creatures would have had the ability to think, exercise reason and make judgements (cf. 1 Corinthians 2:11). Instead, they resembled huge apes and were probably the reason for the violence on Earth. Because of the violence (Genesis 6:13), the Earth was split up into continents as the waters from below the ground burst forth and caused it to rain for 40 days and nights (Genesis 7:11-12). The huge ape creatures, known as Nephilim (Genesis 6:4) were drowned and consigned to chains of gloom (Jude 1:6).

Noah having found favor with the Lord God, survived the flood with his family. There were a total of eight persons. Four men and four women. From these eight people the Earth was repopulated. The Devil still had a presumed right over the Earth, and with the other angels he has enticed to join him, he is opposing God and those who seek out the truth.

God is responsible for creating Adam and Eve. If God were the whimsical tyrant that many like to make Him out to be, then he would have no compassion and would be a heartless judge. Since God is righteous, merciful and just, we can understand that the violations of obedience--right relationship--that occurred between Eve and Adam, between Adam and God every mitigating circumstance was clearly taken into account; for, even though they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, they were not excluded from the presence of God. We know this because Cain was directed to leave the presence of God:

Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, east of Eden. (Genesis 4:16)

There was a massive difference in Cain's violation than the violations of Eve and Adam. Cain committed sin in the same way as the Devil sinned. He murdered his brother, so that he would have no competition.. The Devil effectively attempted to murder Adam and Eve, by separating them from eternal life, because Adam gave him his right to have control of the Earth through the violation of his standing with God.  

God gave the Covering Cherub, also known as Lucifer, the right of overseeing the Man (Adam and Eve). When Adam disregarded God's directive and fractured his relationship with the Lord God Almighty, Lucifer, still held the position of the covering cherub, even though he himself had fractured his relationship with his Creator. When Adam broke his relationship, Lucifer was able to claim the right to the Earth. Had Adam not broken his relationship with God, Lucifer (Satan) would have not been able to obtain any power over him. Instead, because Adam listened to Eve, who had been deceived by the Evil One, he partook of the forbidden fruit when she had not died after eating it.

 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. (Genesis 3:6)

The mitigating circumstances in the case of Eve had to do with her being deceived when doing what her husband had told her not to do.  God Himself did not tell Eve not to eat of the forbidden fruit. Her sin was not directly against God Himself but against her husband, for the Evil One had caused her to question whether Adam was telling her the truth or not. Consequently, having pondered sufficiently over the issue and seeing the ripe succulent fruit just waiting to be picked, her mouth watered and Eve eventually gave into to her fleshly desires.

Adam obtained mercy due to the fact he was told that on the day he eats of the forbidden fruit he would die. Seeing Eve eat of the forbidden fruit and not dying or suffering any ill effect, Adam ate. Under the circumstances, regardless of any other factors, it would have been natural for him to possibly think that he had misinterpreted what God had said to him. Eve not dying after she ate, lessened the charge level against Adam. Though they were both expelled out of the Garden, they were not cast out from the presence of God.

Attributing blame for deeds done is not the same as accepting responsibility for one's own actions and making amends for what has taken place because of what one has created. God created the environment that brought about sin. God Himself did not sin in doing this, because sin requires an individual to violate a relationship. 

Without a relationship to begin with, there is no sin. Sin is not about just breaking a set of rules. For a set of rules may not have anything to do with a relationship. They could be some arbitrary rules created without much thought and subject to change; breaking them would be of no personal consequence in respect to a relationship.

Sin is about the violation of trust, peaceful relations and the principle of faith. God trusted those individuals to whom He bestowed freewill to live in peace and maintain good faith with Himself. After all, what created being would be foolish enough to challenge the Lord God Almighty, Creator of the Universe and all that exists. It would be like a robot with artificial intelligence saying to its owner I don't need you anymore, when it has not means of charging its battery. Recognizing this fact, the robot exercising its intelligence, would be mindful of respecting its owner and doing what is best for both of them; not because it is obligated to, but because the robot appreciates its owner. Likewise, God would have expected the Covering Cherub (aka Lucifer,  Satan, the Devil, the Ancient Serpent, the Great Dragon) and the Man to have done the same.

Relationships are about love. Love is about appreciation. Appreciation also includes feelings of gratitude and expressions of thankfulness. Genuine appreciation is the height of love. Without righteousness, though, nothing can be appreciated and love cannot be experienced, even if one has the knowledge of its existence. 

The Bible informs us love never ends and God is love. The corollary of this is God never ends. How can the Infinite One know any bounds, for there is no limits placed upon Him. As difficult as it is to comprehend and grasp in any way or form, there is no end to God in any direction outwardly or inwardly. The only boundaries that exist are those which God Himself has created. These exist within Him. Such occurred when He separated the waters from the waters. The separated water is what the Universe (consisting of all the galaxies) was made out of. To quote the Message Bible:

They conveniently forget that long ago all the galaxies and this very planet were brought into existence out of watery chaos by God’s word. (2 Peter 3:5 MSG)

There is a difference between the immaterial and the material. The immaterial really consists of concepts such as kindness or righteousness and justice. Yet it is the kindness of God towards us that is meant to lead people who are not reconciled to God to repentance, so that reconciliation can be made complete. 

God's lovingkindness is evidenced in that while we are weak and walking in ungodly ways, He has seen fit to impute righteousness to us in exchange for our unrighteousness. Because our Heavenly Father desires to have restored relationships with us human beings (who are essentially gods in bodies of flesh, though dead because of sin), He has demonstrated His love by reaching out to us and imputing His righteousness to us. 

After Adam and Eve had sinned in the Garden of Eden, the following happened:

21 And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins, and clothed them.22 Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever”— 23 therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken. 24 He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Genesis 3:21-24)

God clothing Adam and Eve was an act of kindness; an act of love where He imputed righteousness to them. For although they were banished from the Garden of Eden, they were not excluded from His presence; this is something that happened to Cain after he murdered his brother Abel. The implication being that Adam and Eve and all who were born to them, were born in the presence of the Lord. 

Importantly, what needs to be realized, unlike Eve, the Devil did not tempt Cain, rather he was enticed by his own desires, which when fully conceived gives birth to sin, the violation of trust, peace, goodwill, faith and righteousness (James 1:13-15). Strangely, Cain did not repent or seek mercy. Instead, he accepted his punishment. What had happened with the Devil, in similar fashion happened to Cain. Just like the Devil decided he was not going to be the guardian angel of the Man, Cain decided he was not going to be his brother's keeper (Genesis 4:9). Even so, righteousness was available to Cain, had he so desired to partake of it.

 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (1 Corinthians 5:21)

King David wrote:

 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. (Psalm 32:1-2)

Imputing no iniquity to humankind before the time Jesus actually became sin, for many, does not seem logical, and rather like putting the cart before the horse.  However, the same principles were in operation from the time of Adam and Eve, when God covered their nakedness with animal skins. Not that the slaying of any animal was efficacious, but that justice was declared through an act of mercy performed by God to demonstrate His righteousness and faith in Adam and Eve that they would not sin again. For their was no deceit in their spirits. Eve was deceived and Adam was hit with unbelief when he saw her eat of the forbidden fruit.

The Creator can do whatever He desires. Who is going to stop Him? In the Bible, we get the message when Jeremiah was told to go and see a potter: 

“Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.”  So I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel.  And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do. (Jeremiah 18:2-5)

There is one reason why God hasn't wiped out the Earth as He intended in the days of Noah. God is righteous. Righteousness is the consequence of having the full comprehensive knowledge that calculates harmony. Wisdom demands righteousness. Without being wise to what is the right decision to make, perfection cannot exist. God has given man the option of perfection and imperfection in order that those whom are His will choose the former rather than the latter. God doesn't want robots. He seeks people who desire to do what is right because they appreciate the value of having harmonious relationships.

Instead of wiping out what had been created previously and starting again, which is what some expositors claim occurred before the current Earth was created, God has decided to demonstrate to the Creation that He is righteous, wise and beyond reproach. The Covering Cherub sinned. God decided to demonstrate how he can destroy the works and execute righteous judgment. We learn from the Bible:

He who commits sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.  (1 John 3:8)

 Not only did the Son of God appear because of the Devil's sin, but also to make amends for everyone's sin, by becoming sin Himself, there was also the need to do this to establish His own righteousness. This is expressed by the Apostle John and the Apostle Paul:

I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his sake. (1 John 2:12)

But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from law, although the law and the prophets bear witness to it, 22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction; 23 since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 they are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God put forward as an expiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins; 26 it was to prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and that he justifies him who has faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:21-26)

While the Ten Commandments reveal the righteous standard of God and the rituals show how He is merciful and has compassion for man's condition, we learn that it is for God's sake that our sins are forgiven and this was to demonstrate that He is righteous. Otherwise, there would be no need for God "to prove that He Himself is righteous" (Romans 3:26). 

When we understand that God could do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, but instead has allowed us to be subject to birth, suffering and death in this world, as part of His plan to demonstrate that He is righteous, we are able to appreciate the truth of why we exist today. 

We can judge God. Many do. In fact, many point to the flaws in the world today and use this as basis to justify their own sin, rather than seek God out for themselves. God is watching. He sees everything we do. Those who desire righteousness and the truth seek God out. Whoever is like Cain, and becomes covetous of something that is not given to them, are facing banishment from God's presence forever. 

Fortunately, God demonstrates His righteousness by overlooking our sins (Romans 3:25) except when we sin as an deliberate act of rebellion, with full knowledge and without doubt that we are disregarding our Heavenly Father.  On the other hand, ignorance is our saving grace. Fortunately, God overlooks ignorance (Acts 17:27).  

The righteousness of God is demonstrated in that not only does He overlook our ignorance and has made amends for our sins, but He honors those who exercise faith in God's grace (Romans 3:21-24).  When Jesus become sin, He exchanged the sin of  Man (Adam and Eve) and accredited righteousness to the Man and all his posterity. This righteousness has to be received by faith. Nevertheless, this righteousness has been offered for all and offered to all.

God has demonstrated His righteousness through His Son, Lord Jesus Christ suffering and dying on behalf of the unrighteous, so they might be the beneficiaries of His righteousness. Hence the righteousness of God has been accredited to the account of those who have sinned but, who through faith, accept this, and thereby seek an intimate relationship with their Creator. 

Unless otherwise referenced all Scripture quotations are RSV (Revised Standard Version of the Bible) copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 Used by permission.
MSG The Message Bible Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission 
KJV (King James Version)KJV (King James Version)
ESV (English Standard Version) ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, Used by permission.



  The following twenty articles consider the process of salvation for every individual. The name of every person has been entered into the b...